Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Societies, “Attitudes about Inequalities”

Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Societies, “Attitudes about Inequalities”

Guest editors Liza G. Steele and Nate Breznau put together a special issue theme, calling for manuscripts of original research that examine attitudes or public opinion about inequalities pertaining to socioeconomic status, class, race, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, gender, or sexuality, particularly as they pertain to social policies or the social welfare state. We welcome submissions using a variety of empirical methods. Regarding geographic scope, studies may be global, or specific to regions, nations, or sub-national areas; and we welcome comparative studies and those looking at changes over time.

Societies is a newly open access journal, indexed in the Web of Science emerging sources list and edited by highly influential social scientists including Hans-Peter Blossfeld. The future of science is open! Join this movement by submitting your work to this journal. Societies is a member of the Committee on Publishing Ethics and starting in 2018, Societies will have absolutely no article processing fees whatsoever.

Article length and guidelines are quite flexible. Deadline is May 15th, 2018.

For more details, please see


If you have any further questions including whether your article fits the issue, please email the guest editors at