Demopaedia: The Wiki-Based Multilingual Demographic Dictionary
The Multilingual Demographic Dictionary is now available online in 14 language modules at Demopaedia has completed the first phase of its project to develop wiki-based versions of the demographic dictionaries, whose original versions in English and French were produced by the IUSSP in collaboration with the United Nations Population Division. Modules in different languages have been updated or checked by volunteers in a number of institutions or with financial support of the United Nations Population Division. The project also received support from the IUSSP, the Comité National Français de l’UIESP (CNF) and the French Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED). Nicolas Brouard (INED/CNF) conceptualized the project and has been the main developer of the Demopaedia website.
The 14 languages covered are: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.