Social Science Data Archive has joined the Data Preservation Alliance for Social Sciences (DataPASS)

We are thrilled to announce that the Social Science Data Archive has joined the Data Preservation Alliance for Social Sciences (DataPASS). Here's some background: The Data Archive has successfully ensured the accessibility and usability of…

U.S. Census Bureau Recruitment at the ASA 2011 Annual Meeting

The U.S. Census Bureau has full-time opportunities for qualified U.S. citizens in the areas of demography, sociology, economics, and related social sciences. We are looking for candidates at all levels of education (BA, MA, PhD). Training in…

Congratulations to Prof. Jennie Brand!

Prof. Jennie Brand will serve on the editorial board for the American Sociological Review starting in 2012. In addition, her article "Who Benefits Most from College?: Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher…