Mexican Migration Project 134 Database Now Available to Public!
MMP134 – October 2011
The Mexican Migration Project is pleased to make available to the public its new database: MMP134. The MMP134 database has 134 communities, which includes the original 128 communities (MMP128) plus 6 new additional communities: two from San Luis Potosí, three from Puebla, and one from Guanajuato. MMP134 has information on 21,522 Mexican households, 957 U.S. households, and individual-level data on 144,258 persons. These data contain information on 7,398 household heads with migration experience to the U.S. and information on 48 household heads with Canadian migration experience.
In addition, we have updated the following supplementary data files: COMMUN, ENVIRONS, NATLYEAR and NATLHIST. In addition of 6 new communities, the COMMUN file now includes 2010 census data from INEGI for all 134 communities regardless of year of survey. The ENVIRONS dataset now includes monthly rain information up to 2010. Lastly, both NATLYEAR and NATLHIST files contain information up to 2010 as well.
We encourage you to download the latest dataset. There was one modification on the MIG and MIGOTHER file. Originally, the variables RELTRIP, PAISTRIP, FINHELP, and LODGING were aimed to measure characteristics on the last trip only. However, in 2000, they were modified to measure characteristics on the first trip. Now in 2011, you’ll find two sets of variables: ones designed for first trip and the latter designed for last trip. To understand this change, please visit the Documentation – Questionnaire section and revise our various versions through time.
If you publish, please do not forget to let us know. Also, if you find any problems with the data, please report them to us by sending e-mail directly to, this truly help us to keep data as accurate as possible.
This release supersedes all earlier releases of the data.