Congratulations to Judith Seltzer and Cameron Campbell for PAA nominations!
The PAA Nominations Committee – Susan Short, James Raymo, and Robert Hummer (Chair) – proposes the
following slate of candidates for the 2014 election (terms begin in 2015, except for the Nominations Committee
which begins shortly following the election). Additional candidates may be nominated according to the procedures outlined in Article IV, Section 1, of the PAA Bylaws, available on the website, Submit petitions signed by at least ten PAA members, along with the required biographical data information by 15 May 2014, to Rosalind B. King, Secretary-Treasurer, PAA, 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 722, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, c/o Stephanie Dudley. The biographical information form may be obtained from the PAA office.
President (2 for 1 position):
Judith Seltzer, University of California-Los Angeles
Mark Hayward, University of Texas-Austin
Vice-President (2 for 1 position):
Elizabeth Frankenberg, Duke University
Michael White, Brown University
Nominations Committee (6 for 3 positions):
Kate Cagney, University of Chicago
John Iceland, Pennsylvania State University
Zhenchao Qian, Ohio State University
Robert Schoeni, University ofMichigan
Connie Nathanson, Columbia University
Myron Gutmann, University of Michigan
Board of Directors(9 for 4 positions):
Jason Boardman, University of Colorado
Sarah Burgard, Michigan
Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/University of California-Los Angeles
Rebecca Clark, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Alex Ezeh, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
Linda Jacobsen, Population Reference Bureau
Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California-Berkeley
Michael Rendall, University of Maryland
Seth Sanders, Duke University
Publications Committee (2 for 1 position):
Carl Schmertmann, Florida State University
Joshua Goldstein, University of California-Berkeley
For more information, please visit