Call for Proposals – Population Association of America Initiatives Committee
The Initiatives Committee (IC) of the Population Association of America (PAA) is soliciting proposals from PAA standing committees and members for activities that promote the strategic goals of the Association. Funding for this effort comes from PAA member contributions to the PAA Fund. The IC is charged with soliciting and evaluating proposals from PAA Committees and/or the PAA membership which are aimed at:
- Increasing the PAA’s effective public profile
- Increasing PAA diversity along multiple dimensions
- Cultivating sustained engagement among PAA’s early career membership
- Holding workshops or conferences at the annual meeting or at other times which would benefit a significant fraction of the membership
- Supporting other types of activities which would be of value to the PAA in other ways
The IC will present to the Board at its fall meeting a ranking of the proposals it has received, using its own judgment on which proposals have the highest merit. Requests will be considered that continue ongoing activities not funded in the PAA operating budget or that propose new activities. Proposed activities must benefit the organization/membership broadly – not a select group of people, and activities should provide a benefit in the near term, rather than requiring sustained funding over the long term. The size of awards will vary depending on the needs and goals of the proposal. For member proposals, priority will be given to initiatives for which matching funds are available or are being sought by the applicant. As a general guideline, the range of awards will be $2,000 to $15,000. The PAA Board has allocated approximately $50,000 from the PAA Fund for this initiative for 2015 awards
Application Process
A cover sheet and set of guidelines are attached, as is a budget page. Only applications that use these forms and follow these guidelines will be reviewed. Generally, the application should contain a description of the proposed activities and how they fit with the strategic goals of the Association, as well as a timeline for completion of the proposed work, a proposed budget, and a budget justification. If relevant, it should also include a list of proposed participants with a description of their expected roles in the proposed initiative and a 1-page CV for each participant. Indirect costs are not allowed. Please also describe any plans for securing matching funds (from a source other than the PAA) and for dissemination of any products from the proposed initiative (e.g., edited volume, special issue), including a description of the proposed audience. Applications are limited to a maximum of 750 words (not including CVs), and should be submitted electronically to Danielle Staudt ( The deadline for receipt of applications is September 11, 2015. Proposals will be reviewed by the IC, with recommendations for funding given to the PAA Board. Final funding decisions will be made by the PAA Board at their November meeting and announced by the end of November, 2015.
Section 1 – Applicant Information
Applicant/committee name:
Institution to which grant will be made (if applicable):
Requested amount (note: indirect costs are not allowed): $
Matching funds (if applicable): $
Total cost of project: $
Time period during which funds will be spent:
Proposed product:
PAA goal(s) being addressed:
Section 2 – Application Guidelines
Attach an application of 750 words or less, addressing the following items:
1. Brief description of the project, including goals, timeline, feasibility to be done with requested
funds and within timeline, as well as list of participants (if relevant).
2. How does it contribute to the pursuit of the PAA’s strategic goals?
3. Does the project represent a new effort or the continuation of an ongoing initiative?
4. What product (if any) will result, and what audience will the product reach? What is its desired
and anticipated impact on the field?
5. How does the project contribute to the careers and/or research programs of the participants?
6. (Required for member proposals): What are the prospects for funding from other sources?
7. To what extent is the proposed project the only or best way to achieve the goals of the project?
PAA RFP Budget
1. Please submit budget requests, outlining major categories of expenditures as relevant to the
proposed activities.
2. Also, separate from the budget, please provide justification for the cost associated with each
budget category.