Call for Chapter Proposals – The Costs of School Closure: Contexts and Consequences

WORKING TITLE: The Costs of School Closure: Context and Consequences  EDITOR: Ebony M. Duncan, Sociologist of Education at Washington University in St. Louis   Abstract Deadline: December 1, 2015 Chapter Deadline:  June 1, 2016 Schools…

Position Opening – Research Associate, Social Policy Research Associates

Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) is a growing and dynamic research, evaluation, and technical assistance services firm engaged in policy analysis of workforce development, employment training, education, philanthropy, youth development,…

Call for Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications – Duke Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development

The goal of our postdoctoral research training program is to produce highly skilled research scientists who have the potential for leadership in gerontological research. In the Duke Research Training Program (RTP), much of the training for…

Position Opening – Health Administration and Policy Program, University of Maryland Baltimore County

The Health Administration and Policy Program (HAPP) invites applications for a full-time, tenure/tenure-track assistant/associate professor position beginning in fall 2016. HAPP is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program that offers tracks…

Ian Holloway is quoted in USC News

Holloway highlights the fact that LGBT people compared to heterosexuals face additional stressors that are "unique to them based on discrimination and exclusion." Article:…

Patrick Heuveline was elected to the PAA Nominations Committee

Patrick Heuveline was elected to the Population Association of America Nominations Committee. Read More:  

Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Position in Transportation Planning- UCLA, Luskin School of Public Affairs

The UCLA Department of Urban Planning invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position in transportation.  We seek a bold, innovative thinker who is, or soon will be, a leading scholar of cities and regions.  We welcome…