Two Fellowships in the MZES Research Department at the University of Mannheim
The MZES is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Mannheim dedicated to comparative European social research and the analysis of European integration processes. It is Germany’s largest university-based social science research centre. The Centre seeks to recruit outstanding social scientists as Research Fellows to work in Research Department A »European Societies and their Integration«. Successful candidates are expected to publish in international academic journals. They should develop and direct projects in one of the department’s three research areas and attract research grants. MZES Research Fellowships provide experienced researchers, preferably with previous postdoctoral experience, with an opportunity to pursue independent research within the framework of the Centre’s Research Programme. Previous Research Fellows frequently moved to full professorships at other universities. In addition to the resources of the University, MZES supports its Research Fellows with an annual budget for travel and research assistance, a dedicated IT department, an internal methods consulting and data unit, an extensive Centre library, support from project management offices, and a public relations officer. Research Fellows are usually required to teach two hours per week at the University’s School of Social Sciences. Candidates should have completed their PhD with an excellent dissertation in Sociology or a related discipline within the last five years. Publications, particularly in peer reviewed journals, are an advantage. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications and will be public sector pay scheme TV-L E13 to E15 (between 44,000 and 59,000 Euros), with additional employer benefits. The position is for two to five years, starting preferably 1 September 2016. In principle, the position can be shared. As an equal opportunity employer, the University of Mannheim particularly encourages applications from women and persons with disabilities. Applications may be submitted in German or English. They should include a cover letter, a CV (with a list of publications), copies of academic degrees (including the doctoral degree certificate), and plans for research to be carried out at the MZES (1 page). The deadline for applications is April 2, 2016.
To apply online, please go to:
Letters of recommendation are optional; they may be sent to
For further information about the Centre, please visit the MZES website:
For more information about the position, please contact Philipp Heldmann at