CALL FOR APPLICATIONS, Postdoctoral Researchers- Johns Hopkins University


Job ID: 11727
Date Position is Available: Fall 2016
Listing Active: 12/8/2015 to 2/6/2016
Title: IDSER Director and tenured senior Associate or Full professor in Department of Demography
Department: Demography
Company: UTSA Demography
Job Position/Rank: Academic Positions: Associate Professor, Academic Positions: Full Professor 
Special Program and
Areas of Faculty Expertise:
Public Policy 
Region: South 
Salary Range: Negotiable 
Interfolio Submission Link: 
Job Description: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research (IDSER) Director and Faculty Position in Demography

The Department of Demography at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) invites applications for the Director of the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research (IDSER) to begin Fall 2016. The Director would also be a tenured senior Associate or Full Professor in the Department of Demography, depending on qualifications. The Department of Demography and IDSER are located in the College of Public Policy at the Downtown Campus of UTSA. Presently, the sole degree offered by the department is the Ph.D. in Applied Demography, and all teaching is at the graduate level.


Please review the complete advertisement for this position at:


The University of Texas at San Antonio is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


Domestic Partner Benefits: This employer offers employment benefits to domestic partners of employees.
Discrimination Policy: This employer prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/preference and gender identity/expression.

ASA Job Bank Posting 11484
Johns Hopkins University

21st Century Cities Initiative (21CC)

21CC Post-Doctoral Research Associates Program
The 21st Century Cities Initiative (21CC) is a new Signature Initiative of Johns Hopkins University to build and integrate dynamic, cross-disciplinary research to examine cities and to help shape their future possibilities. We are pleased to announce that as one of 21CC’s first efforts a Call for Applications for 2015 – 2016 21CC Post-Doctoral Research Associates Program. We are seeking talented postdoctoral researchers interested or already engaged in building a research portfolio along with JHU faculty focused on major research questions addressing the contemporary needs and opportunities of cities domestically and/or internationally.
It is anticipated that up to two one- or two-year post-doctoral research associates will be awarded with an anticipated start in August 2016. The fellows will be in residence at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

We are seeking talented postdoctoral researchers with a primary interest in conducting research and analysis related to issues of urban policy. To be eligible, applicants must be focused on an important issue area in urban policy, must demonstrate an interest in conducting inter-disciplinary research, and identify a Johns Hopkins Faculty member, who the applicant would be most interested in having serve as a mentor for the tenure as a post-doctoral research associate. All post-doctoral researchers will be expected to have two mentors in different disciplines, but at the application stage it is sufficient for the applicant to identify a primary mentor, presumably in their own discipline, and the other disciplinary perspective they would seek to incorporate in their research, and 21CC can help assist in identifying an appropriate 2nd mentor should the applicant be awarded a position.
For more information and to apply, visit:


Contact: Jean Free
Phone: (410) 516-4913
Fax: (410) 516-7590
Address: 533 Mergenthaler Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore MD, 21218