Call for Abstracts: International Network of Analytical Sociologists


The 10th INAS Conference – June 8 and 9, 2017 in Oslo, Norway

”Segregation in Schools and Neighborhoods: Consequences and Dynamics”

Keynote speaker:

Jon Elster, Columbia University: “The justice motive in the French and American revolutions”

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Deadline: February 1st, 2017

Analytical sociology is a general approach to explaining the social world. It is concerned with phenomena such as common ways of (inter-) acting in a society, social network structures and patterns of segregation, and collectively shared and diffused cultural ideas. The mode of explanation is to specify in clear and precise ways the mechanisms through which social phenomena are brought about. Parts of analytical sociology focus on action and interaction as the cogs and wheels of social processes, while others consider the dynamic social processes that these actions and interactions bring about.

We welcome presentations using any qualitative or quantitative methods that allow for the study of social mechanisms and the complex social dynamics they give rise to. We also welcome purely theoretical papers dealing with central aspects of the explanatory approach of analytical sociology, and papers based on simulation techniques, such as ABM. In particular, we welcome presentations on the dynamics and consequences of segregation in schools and neighborhoods.

Please submit your abstracts of 200‐500 words via the conference website no later than the February 1, 2017. Your submission should contain the following elements:

1)  name and e‐mail address of presenting author

2)  affiliation of presenting author

3) complete list of author(s)

3)  abstract

For more information on practical details such as location, hotel, etc. please visit the website, which will be updated with more information before February 1st, 2017.  Conference registration will be opened on this site after the call for abstracts’ deadline has passed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, University of Oslo; Are Skeie Hermansen, University of Oslo; Torkild Hovde Lyngstad, University of Oslo; Ferdinand A. Mohn, STAMI and Institute for Social Research, Oslo; Elisabeth Ugreninov, Norwegian Social Research, Oslo.