Center for Social Statistics (CSS) Seed Grant Program Announcement for FY 2017-18
Center for Social Statistics (CSS) Seed Grant Program Announcement for FY 2017-18
We are pleased to announce the UCLA Center for Social Statistics (CSS) Seed Grant program for FY 2017-18. The CSS has established a seed grant program for collaborative research between a social scientist and statistician on a demographic problem. Preference will be given to work that in part develops new statistical methodology or is a new application in demography of state-of-the-art statistical methodology.
This program is based on an annual competition for grants of size $10-20K. These will, for example, support a faculty member for a summer month or fund an RA for a quarter. The proposals are limited to two pages and require only a simple budget. To be eligible, the proposed research must be between a faculty member in the Division of Social Sciences and the Division of Natural Sciences. Preference will be given to work that is highly likely to lead to long term collaboration or external funding.
The application deadline is April 29, 2017. Please see details below and email Lucy Shao ( your proposal to apply for the seed grant.