Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being awarded the National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for 2022-2023

Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being awarded the National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for 2022-2023.

Congratulations to CCPR Associate Director, Patrick Heuveline for being promoted to Professor, Step 6

Congratulations to CCPR Associate Director, Patrick Heuveline for being promoted to Professor, Step 6.

Randall Akee will be serving as a Senior Economist on the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House

Randall Akee will be serving as a Senior Economist on the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House.

Congratulations to Rosa Matzkin for being elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Congratulations to Rosa Matzkin for being elected to the National Academy of Sciences. The article may be accessed here.