CCPR Seed Grant Application
We are delighted to announce a call for CCPR seed grant applications. As an interdisciplinary research organization, CCPR encourages and gives high priority for funding to applications from research teams that include CCPR affiliates from different academic units, junior affiliate(s), or scholar(s) from underrepresented institutions. Applicants who have not previously received CCPR seed funding are prioritized and proposals that show promise for future extramural funding will also be given preference.
The application deadline is Nov. 11, 2022. Please see details in the attached announcement.
Please click here for the submission.
Please note that CCPR grant awardees are required to provide the following information 3 months after the end of the project period (with any updates afterwards): (i) a brief progress report, (ii) a CCPR seminar presentation, and (iii) a list of submitted proposals, grants, publications and presentations arising from your seed grant.
For previous and current seed grant recipients, please update us if you have publications, proposal submissions, or grants resulting from your seed grant.