Congratulations to CCPR Faculty Affiliates Till von Wachter and Michael Len, who were awarded a NSF grant to support Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Housing and Homelessness!

Till von Wachter (UCLA) and his co-PIs, Mike Lens (UCLA), Margot Kushel (UCSF), Carolina Reid (UC Berkeley), and Mary Beth Shinn (Vanderbilt) were awarded a National Science Foundation CRISES planning grant to pursue a potential interdisciplinary research center on housing and homelessness.  This is a new area of funding for the NSF’s Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE), which is investing over $1.4 million in projects that can serve as the first steps toward developing large, multidisciplinary Centers for Research and Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society (CRISES). The CRISES center planning grant led by Till von Wachter and co-PIs will bring together the domains of housing and homelessness, explore them from multiple academic fields, and consider fully the social, health, economic, and political dimensions of the intersecting crises of housing and homelessness.

To learn more about the U. S. National Science Foundation (NSF) award and the abstract that was approved for the grant, please visit the following links:

New NSF awards support future Centers for Research and Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society


CRISES: Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Housing and Homelessness