Entries by Esmeralda melgoza

Prof. Till von Wachter is quoted in MyNewsLA

Prof. Till von Wachter’s reviews and comments on the effect of the Los Angeles wage hike on the economy were mentioned in MyNewsLA. Link: http://mynewsla.com/government/2015/05/05/city-council-to-discuss-peer-assessment-for-raising-minimum-wage/

Prof. Leonardo Bursztyn featured in The Washington Post

Prof. Leonardo Bursztyn’s research study on the effect of peer pressure on educational investments among Hispanic high school students was mentioned in the news article. Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/04/30/meet-the-economist-who-grew-up-among-crack-dealers-and-won-a-mini-nobel-for-his-research-on-race/

Prof. Gary Gates featured in the Fox News

Prof. Gary Gate’s report on the LGBT community was mentioned in the news article. Link: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/04/28/bruce-jenner-transition-how-many-americans-are-transgender/