Entries by Esmeralda melgoza

Prof. William Clark is featured on 89.3 KPCC Radio

Prof William Clark was a guest on Larry Mantle AIRTALK on December 17 discussing the Millennial generation.

Larissa Dooley Comments on Goldman Study

Affiliate, Larissa Dooley comments on Prof. Noreen Goldman’s research on Psychology In Action: http://www.psychologyinaction.org/2014/12/03/how-can-we-best-predict-longevity-the-answer-might-surprise-you/  

Jennie Brand: Who stands to benefit the most from college?

Jennie Brand is featured in Academic Minute and Inside Higher Ed for her work on social inequality and higher education. Academic Minute: http://academicminute.org/2014/11/jennie-brand-ucla-who-benefits-most-from-higher-ed/ Inside Higher Ed: https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2014/11/05/academic-minute-who-benefits-most-higher-ed