Entries by Esmeralda melgoza

Recent CCPR Graduate on WNYC!

Iddo Tavory, a graduate of our program and now an assistant professor at the New School for Social Research, was in today’s morning radio in WYNC on social ties among […]

Congratulations Yool Choi, Lianna Hartmour, and Jaeeun Kim!

Yool Choi has received an American Educational Research Association (AERA) dissertation grant. More information about this program is available at: http://www.aera.net/ProfessionalOpportunitiesFunding/FundingOpportunities/AERAGrantsProgram/DissertationGrants/tabid/12812/Default.aspx Lianna Hartmour has won a Greater Good Science Center […]

Congratulations to Annie Fehrenbacher!

Annie Fehrenbacher has just won the Elizabeth Blackwell, MD Award from the Center for the Study of Women for her paper ?The Evolution of a Gendered Politics of Trauma: Challenging […]

New resources on Spatial Analysis

Announcing a new journal – Spatial Demography – http://spatialdemography.org/  A new website on Advanced Spatial Analysis – http://gispopsci.org/. This website includes an array of resources on advanced spatial analysis in the […]

Congrats, Jennie E. Brand and Juli Simon Thomas!

Jennie E. Brand and Juli Simon Thomas have a chapter “Causal Effect Heterogeneity” in the volume called the Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (Stephen L. Morgan ed., Springer […]

Congrats to Danielle Wondra!

Danielle Wondra won an outstanding poster award for her recent presentation at the Population Association of America (PAA) annual meetings, held last week in New Orleans. Danielle’s poster was titled […]

Congratulations, Hsin-Chieh Chang!

On March 30, 2013, Hsin-Chieh Chang received the Early Stage Family Scholar Award given by the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Family (RC06/CFR) and the Institute of Sociology at […]

Congrats to Peter Catron!

Peter Catron’s comment on Immigrant Unionization through the Great Recession has just been published in the April 2013 issue of American Sociological Review (http://asr.sagepub.com/content/78/2/315.abstract). Congratulations, Peter!