Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear’s research and advocacy on missing and murdered Indigenous women was featured in a Vice News (video) story.

Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear’s research and advocacy on missing and murdered Indigenous women was featured in a Vice News (video) story.

Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear was quoted in an NPR episode, “Lack of Communication Between States and Native Tribes Hinders Contact Tracing.”

Desi Rodriguez-Lonebear was quoted in an NPR episode, "Lack of Communication Between States and Native Tribes Hinders Contact Tracing."

Michael Gaddis was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article, “How To Find a Compatible Roomate.”

 Michael Gaddis was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article, "How To Find a Compatible Roomate."

Alumnus Dylan Connor’s research, which was supported by a Treiman fellowship, was published in PNAS.

Alumnus Dylan Connor’s research, which was supported by a Treiman fellowship, was published in PNAS and has a news release…

Randall Akee was quoted in the US News & World Report, “Why Native Americans Don’t Share the Government’s Optimism About the Census”

Randall Akee was quoted in the US News & World Report, "Why Native Americans Don’t Share the Government’s Optimism About the Census"

Akihiro Nishi’s paper on network simulation study for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic has been accepted for publication in PNAS, “Network Interventions for Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic and Sustaining Economy”

Akihiro Nishi's paper on network simulation study for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic has been accepted for publication in PNAS, "Network Interventions for Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic and Sustaining Economy"

Beate Ritz was interviewed by The Guardian about a study that found air pollution caused the premature death of nearly 500,000 babies in their first month of life, with most of the infants being in the developing world. 

Beate Ritz was interviewed by  The Guardian about a study that found air pollution caused the premature death of nearly 500,000 babies in their first month of life, with most of the infants being in the developing world.

Antonio Pedro Ramos and colleagues research yields improved methods to identify children at high risk of preventable death. Their article “Leave no child behind: Using data from 1.7 million children from 67 developing countries to measure inequality within and between groups of births and to identify left behind populations” is available now. 

Antonio Pedro Ramos and colleagues research yields improved methods to identify children at high risk of preventable death. Their article "Leave no child behind: Using data from 1.7 million children from 67 developing countries to measure inequality…

Research Professor Paul Ong was featured in on NPR’s Morning Edition discussing the disproportionate rise in unemployment among Asian Americans. 

Research Professor Paul Ong was featured in on NPR’s Morning Edition discussing the disproportionate rise in unemployment among Asian Americans.