Jennie Brand and colleagues’ policy brief on the impact of parental divorce on children’s education.
NewsJennie Brand along with CCPR alumni, Ravaris Moore and Xi Song published a policy brief based on their research on the impact of parental divorce on children's education for the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research.
Ron Brookmeyer named dean of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
NewsRon Brookmeyer named dean of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
Randall Kuhn quoted in The Nation article on homelessness
NewsRandall Kuhn quoted in The Nation article on homelessness.
2020 Treiman Fellowship application is now open
NewsThe 2020 competition for the Donald J. Treiman Research Fellowship to support CCPR graduate students’ demographic research is open for applications until January 31, 2020, by 5 pm local time.
Click here for more information
Jennie Brand is interviewed on the Daily Bruin, “UCLA’s plan to limit undergraduate enrollment poses harm for minority groups”
NewsJennie Brand is interviewed on the Daily Bruin, "UCLA's plan to limit undergraduate enrollment poses harm for minority groups."
Alan Barreca’s research on climate change and its effect on pregnancies featured in the UCLA Newsroom
NewsAlan Barreca's research on climate change and its effect on pregnancies featured in the UCLA Newsroom
Randall Akee will be a presenter at the Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations
NewsRandall Akee will be a presenter at the Workshop on 2020 Census Data Products: Data Needs and Privacy Considerations
More information can be found here
Prof. Teresa Seeman and Prof. Steven Wallace received grants to enhance the diversity of the U.S.’s biomedical workforce
Announcements, NewsProf. Teresa Seeman and Prof. Steven Wallace, two of the three principal investigators of the NIH program Diversity Program Consortium: Enhancing the Diversity of the NIH-Funded Workforce receive grants to spearhead the new phase of an initiative…
Randall Kuhn and CPL Executive Director, Janey Rountree will speak at the Zocalo Public Square 10/22
NewsRandall Kuhn and CPL Executive Director, Janey Rountree will speak at the Zocalo Public Square on 10/22, "What can everyday Angelenos do about homelessness"
Randall Kuhn and the California Policy Lab Research on Homelessness featured in the LA Times
NewsRandall Kuhn and the California Policy Lab Research on Homelessness featured in the LA Times