Randall Kuhn and the California Policy Lab Research on Homelessness featured in the LA Times

Randall Kuhn and the California Policy Lab Research on Homelessness featured in the LA Times

CCPR Certificate in Population Research

CERTIFICATE IN POPULATION RESEARCH We are excited to announce a new CCPR initiative. We will award a Certificate in Population Research to CCPR Student Affiliates who meet all of the requirements. Requirements Application 

Ian Holloway receives Avenir Award from the National Institute of Drug Abuse

Ian Holloway received an Avenir Award from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to advance his research into health interventions for LGBTQ communities. 

Anne Pebley has been appointed to the Committee on Population of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Anne Pebley has been appointed to the Committee on Population of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.  The Committee on Population was established by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1983 to bring the knowledge…

Brooke Scelza’s study finds effects of culture on reactions to infidelity

Brooke Scelza's study finds effects of culture on reactions to infidelity

Gilbert Gee appointed to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Committee

Gilbert Gee appointed to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Committee

Prof. Cecilia Menjivar published an Op-Ed in today’s Los Angeles Times

Prof. Cecilia Menjivar published an Op-Ed in today's Los Angeles Times, titled "Trump may wish Guatemala were a safe place for asylum applicants to wait, but it’s not." 

Brooke Scelza’s research highlighted in the UCLA Newsroom

Prof. of Anthropology Brooke Scelza's study finds cultural differences in attitudes toward infidelity and jealousy. 

Event: 8/1/19 Big Data for Big Social Issues: Prof. Friedman, “Income Inequality and Social Mobility: What Can We Learn from Big Data?”

Big Data for Big Social Issues 8/1/19, Prof. Friedman, "Income Inequality and Social Mobility: What Can We Learn from Big Data?”Big Data for Social Issues Summer Institute in Computational Social Science Panel: 1:00pm – 2:45pm Prof.…

Jennie Brand was elected as member of the Sociological Research Association

Prof. Jennie Brand was elected member of the prestigious Sociological Research Association. The SRA was founded in 1936 to recognize and advance excellence in sociological research.