Teresa Seeman’s research featured in the Washington Post and UCLA news
Announcements, NewsTeresa Seeman's research featured in the Washington Post and UCLA News
Paul Ong’s Study on South LA inequality featured in the UCLA Newsroom
NewsPaul Ong's study about the developments in South LA since the 1960s was featured in both the UCLA Newsroom and UCLA Luskin pages.
CCPR 20th Anniversary Event (Oct 11-12, 2018)
NewsThe California Center for Population Research (CCPR) at UCLA was founded in 1998, and thus celebrates its 20-year anniversary in 2018! UCLA will host a CCPR anniversary event, with a reception on Thursday October 11, 2018 and a full day conference…
Margaret Peters was cited in The Atlantic
NewsMargaret Peters was cited in The Atlantic concerning trade barriers and trade policy. View the article here.
Jody Herman was cited by the Baltimore Sun
NewsIn a recent article published by The Baltimore Sun, Jody Herman contributed statements concerning gender reassignment. Click here for the full article.
Dora Costa is quoted in the Daily Bruin
NewsDora Costa was cited in the Daily Bruin in a statement regarding a proposed bill to eliminate tuition for Californians attending public colleges. For more information please click here.
Adriana Lleras-Muney wins department’s Fall 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award
NewsAdriana Lleras-Muney wins department's Fall 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award
Kathleen McGarry is quoted in the New York Times
NewsKathleen McGarry is quoted in the New York Times.
Read more here.
Andrew Fuligni’s study was featured on the Daily Bruin
NewsTo learn more about Fuligni's study, please click here.
The Center for Social Statistics (CSS) is introducing a Concentration in Social Statistics.
Announcements, NewsThe Center for Social Statistics (CSS) is introducing a Concentration in Social Statistics.
This is an excellent opportunity for students who want to get interdisciplinary training in quantitative methods geared towards the social…