Prof. Edward Walker featured in Wall Street Journal

Prof. Edward Walker commented on the issue with police brutality toward minorities. Article:

Professor Paul Ong featured in 89.3 KPCC

Professor Paul Ong's study stated that the problem with rising housing price is compounded by a widening income gap between the area’s richest and poorest residents. Article:

Professor Ed Walker wrote an op-ed in New York Times

Professor Ed Walker wrote an op-ed in New York Times about the important differences between corporation-organized and grass-roots social movements. Article:

Prof. Edward Walker is quoted in SF Gate

Prof. Edward Walker stated that consultants are beginning to provide grassroots mobilizing services to paying clients in his book called "Grassroots for Hire: Public Affairs Consultants in American Democracy." Article:

Prof. Matthew Kahn is quoted in LA Times

Prof. Matthew Kahn identified a couple of trends where individuals feel greater incentive to go green. Article:

New on the NICHD website: Exploring Population Dynamics

NICHD’s Population Dynamics Branch supports research on a range of topics, including the factors that make populations rise and fall, such as fertility and mortality. Here’s what branch chief Rebecca Clark had to say

Prof. Edward Walker is quoted in Mashable

Prof. Edward Walker stated "when businesses face major threats that could potentially harm their whole industry, these kinds of 'grassroots' campaigns start to happen in a pretty serious way." Article:  

Prof. Mark Kaplan is quoted in

Prof. Mark Kaplan stated that it is important to appreciate the complexity of the suicide by viewing it both as a personal and social phenomenon. He expressed the need to understand how the social organizational context of the Army affects…

Prof. Michael Stoll featured in Bloomberg Business

Prof. Michael Stoll explained why the 20 metropolitan areas are losing the greatest share of local people to other parts of the U.S. between July 2013 and July 2014. Article:

Congratulations to Prof. C. Cindy Fan!

Prof. C. Cindy Fan has been appointed UCLA's vice provost for international studies and global engagement. Article: