Jennie Brand: Who stands to benefit the most from college?

Jennie Brand is featured in Academic Minute and Inside Higher Ed for her work on social inequality and higher education. Academic Minute: Inside Higher…

Jennie Brand’s work on community colleges is published in Sociological Science

Jennie E. Brand’s research on the community college effect has been picked up by the media, including Insider Higher Ed. Read the journal article:…

Prof. Mark Kaplan featured on Daily Bruin

Prof. Mark Kaplan is one of the small number of suicidologists in the U.S. Currently, Prof. Kaplan is working on two different studies: One that examines the effects of the economic recession on suicide rates in the U.S. and another on alcohol-related…

NY Times quotes Prof. Matthew Kahn regarding Climate Change

Prof. Matthew Kahn is quoted by the NY Times in "Portland Will Still Be Cool, but Anchorage May Be the Place to Be".

Professor Jennie Brand discussed her research on single mother employment outcomes. 

Being a single parent is tough; being an unemployed single parent is even tougher. In today's Academic Minute, the University of California at Los Angeles's Jennie Brand takes a look at the effects of job loss on single mothers. Brand is an…

Antonio Pedro Ramos is featured on NPR News

Antonio Pedro Ramos is featured on NPR News for  his work "The Poor Don't Always Benefit From Democracy, Mortality Rates Show". Listen Live at: Article:

The Academic Minute interviews Jennie Brand on effects of maternal job loss

Job loss among single mothers has significant negative effects on the educational attainment and social-psychological well-being of their children. Jennie Brand, CCPR associate director and UCLA associate professor of sociology, described these…

Nominee by Prof. Ruben Hernandez-Leon receives grant from Mexican Government

UCLA student Francisco J. López-Flores, as a representative from the Dream Generation, received from the Mexican President, California Governor, and Los Angeles Mayor after Professor Rubén Hernández-León nominated him. Full article, please…

Edward Walker is interviewed about his book, “Grassroots for Hire”

CCPR affiliate and UCLA associate professor of sociology Edward Walker talked about his book on CSPAN Book TV. In the book, he discusses the use of political consulting firms by corporations and special interest groups and the role these firms…

CCPR Director Judith Seltzer is Honored

Judith A. Seltzer, Director of CCPR, has been elected President of the Population Association of America. She will serve as President-Elect in 2015 and President in 2016. Seltzer is a UCLA Professor of Sociology and a founding member of…