Tara McKay received an honorable mention for the Martin Levine Dissertation Award
NewsTara McKay received an honorable mention (and $500 cash award) for the Martin Levine Dissertation Award, administered by the ASA Sexualities Section. Tara will receive the award at the upcoming ASA meeting in Las Vegas on Monday evening at…
Congratulations to Prof. Jennie Brand!
NewsProf. Jennie Brand will serve on the editorial board for the American Sociological Review starting in 2012.
In addition, her article "Who Benefits Most from College?: Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher…
Congratulations to Chinyere Osuji!
NewsChinyere Osuji has received the James E. Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award from ASA's Racial and Ethnic Minorities section. This singular award is for her paper "Boundary Blurring?: Black-White Couples and the Policing of Racial Boundaries…
Congratulations to Yana Kucheva!
NewsYana Kucheva recently received two competitive awards. She received a Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Research Grant, specifically the Eli Ginzberg Award for projects devoted to urban health and welfare problems. This is for a chapter…
Prof. Vickie Mays appointed to National Committee on Vital Health Statistics
NewsCCPR Faculty Affiliate Vickie Mays, Professor of Psychology and Health Services, has been appointed to the House of Representatives seat on the 18-member National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, an advisory panel to Secretary of Health…
Gary Gates named in the 2010 Out 100 Portfolio
NewsGary Gates (http://out.com/Out100/slideshow.asp?slideshow_title=Out100&theID=150) is an academic pioneer. His doctoral dissertation included the first significant research study using U.S. census data to explore characteristics of same-sex…
Congratulations to Anne Pebley and Patrick Heuveline!
NewsAnne Pebley has been elected as a member of the Nominations Committee of the Population Association of America.
Patrick Heuveline has been elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Population Association of America.
Robert Mare elected to the National Academy of Sciences
NewsCongratulations to Robert Mare, founding director of the California Center for Population Research and Distinguished Professor of Sociology, on his election this morning to the National Academy of Sciences. This comes on the heels of his election…