Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being selected as the student council representative for the ASA Methodology Section

Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being selected as the student council representative for the ASA Methodology Section.

Congratulations to Ian Lundberg for winning second place in a UCLA-wide postdoctoral research pitch competition, for his work with Professor Jennie Brand

Congratulations to Ian Lundberg for winning second place in a UCLA-wide postdoctoral research pitch competition, for his work with Professor Jennie Brand.

Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being awarded the National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for 2022-2023

Congratulations to CCPR Student Affiliate, Caitlin Ahearn for being awarded the National Academy of Education (NAEd)/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for 2022-2023.

Congratulations to CCPR Associate Director, Patrick Heuveline for being promoted to Professor, Step 6

Congratulations to CCPR Associate Director, Patrick Heuveline for being promoted to Professor, Step 6.

Randall Akee will be serving as a Senior Economist on the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House

Randall Akee will be serving as a Senior Economist on the Council of Economic Advisers in the White House.

Congratulations to Rosa Matzkin for being elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Congratulations to Rosa Matzkin for being elected to the National Academy of Sciences. The article may be accessed here.

Postdoctoral Fellow Ian Lundberg received the American Sociological Association Mathematical Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award for his 2021 paper published in the American Sociological Review.

Postdoctoral Fellow Ian Lundberg received the American Sociological Association Mathematical Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award for his 2021 paper published in the American Sociological Review.

Congratulations to Benjamin Karney for being featured in the UCLA Newsroom for his study that analyzes the effects of states’ minimum wage increases on the rates of marriage and divorce among low-wage earners.

Congratulations to Benjamin Karney for being featured in the UCLA Newsroom for his study that analyzes the effects of states' minimum wage increases on the rates of marriage and divorce among low-wage earners. The article may be accessed he…

CCPR Seed Grant program for FY 2022-23

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Dear CCPR Faculty Affiliates, We are pleased to announce the CCPR Seed Grant program for FY 2022-23. Please note that we only have one call for seed grant per year. The application deadline is June 15, 2022. Please see details in the attached…