Christian Dippel, University of California, Los Angeles

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

The Effect of Land Allotment on Native American Households During the Assimilation Era

Abstract: In the early twentieth century, the U.S. government broke up millions of acres of communally owned reservation lands and allotted them to individual Native American households. Households initially received land allotments with limited property rights (‘in trust’), and were incentivized to prove themselves “competent” in order to obtain full legal title (‘fee simple’) after a set period. Indian allotment thus had elements of a conditional transfer program aimed at assimilation. The policy was ended suddenly in 1934, locking in-trust land into its status in perpetuity. We link land allotment information to the universe of Native American households in the 1940 U.S. Census. We exploit quasi-random variation in being allotted as well as in securing the allotment in fee simple. Obtaining an allotment significantly increased the likelihood of living on a farm but not of working as a farmer, indicating that allottees leased out their land. Allotments also impacted wages and occupational rank. Surprisingly, allotment most significantly impacted educational attainment. We interpret education as a way of signalling “competency” to government agents. Obtaining the land in fee simple was associated with decreased likelihood of living on a farm and owning one’s home, evidence that many allottees sold their land once they were deemed competent and obtained title. The fee-simple effects were more pronounced within tribes whose ancestral tribal norms emphasized private over communal property, indicating a cultural determinant in how the wealth transfer was utilized. Consistent with this, households in tribes with traditions of private property also engaged in more signalling of their assimilation.

Multilevel Structures in Statistics and Data Science

We’ll look at how different multilevel groupings are used in different analysis methods. As examples, Longitudinal, Hierarchical, and Crossed grouping structures have been used in Sports, Survey, Time till Event, Spatial, and Network analyses. Participants should come in thinking of a project and we can work out possible approaches as a group. Note: This is […]

An introduction: The Library Data Science Center

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

An Introduction: The Library Data Science Center Description: This talk will provide an introduction to the Library Data Science Center, the services and research support it provides. Tim Dennis is the Director of the Data Science Center, whose mission is to foster a welcoming research community by developing data literacy and foundational coding skills through […]

Nancy Krieger, Harvard University

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Structural Racism and the People’s Health: History and Context Matters

Abstract: In this presentation on “Structural racism & the people’s health: history & context matters,” I commence with a brief reminder as to our current societal and ecological context, after which I introduce the ecosocial theory of disease distribution, which guides my work, including conceptualization and measurement of structural injustice. I then offer empirical examples of my research on structural racism and health inequities, in relation to Jim Crow and both past and present residential segregation, as measured using the Index of Concentration at the Extremes for racialized economic segregation and also historical redlining (as delineated by the 1930s federally-sponsored maps produced by the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)). Health outcomes addressed include: preterm birth; infant mortality; child mortality; cancer incidence, stage at diagnosis, and mortality; and breast cancer estrogen receptor status. The presentation concludes with reflections on embodied histories, health inequities, and the people’s health.
*Co-sponsored with the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health

Workshop: Homelessness M4H UCLA/VA

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The goal of this workshop is to share information among a broad group of investigators who are employing mobile technology to study persons who have experienced homelessness. Projects discussed will include studies of homelessness among Veterans and non-Veterans. Presented projects will range from early-stage studies that are in progress to completed studies, including those that […]

Tips on Giving Effective PAA Presentations and Posters, Job Talks, and the Like, Including Ethical Considerations

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Workshop: Tips on Giving Effective PAA Presentations and Posters, Job Talks, and the Like, Including Ethical Considerations Speakers: Don Treiman, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, Sociology Comments by: Anne Pebley, Fred H. Bixby Chair and Distinguished Professor, Community Health Science & Patrick Heuveline, Professor, Sociology. View Slides Here

Alyson van Raalte, Max Planck Institute

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Beyond Life Expectancy—The Case for Monitoring Lifespan Variation

Abstract: Human population health is generally monitored by average mortality levels, typically in terms of life expectancies or age-standardized death rates, which belie substantial variation in length of life. Variation in ages at death, captured by a metric of lifespan variation, should be used to supplement measures of average longevity when comparing or monitoring societies and population subgroups. Although lifespan variation has historically been strongly inversely correlated with life expectancy, we are beginning to see this relationship reversed, resulting in positive correlation in some countries or subnational populations. Often these changes reflect midlife mortality crises with roots in stratified education and wealth. In this talk I will present empirical examples from around the developed world, pressing the case to monitor lifespan variation.

Population Statistics Journal Club

4335 Public Affairs Building

A journal club to discuss measuring intersectional and structural racism, further with a lens on structural bias and how statistical models can be developed/adjusted to partner with the research being developed in other areas such as public health and racism. Faculty sponsors: Chandra Ford and Gilbert Gee

Darrick Hamilton, Ohio State University

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Race, Millennials and Wealth in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
Abstract: As America becomes more plural, it is critical to view race as a pillar and not just an issue in our economy. Despite the narrative that with hard work, resilience, grit, and personal responsibility – people can pull themselves up, and achieve economic success; high achieving black Americans, as measured by education, still exhibit large economic and health disparities relative to their white peers, especially in the domain of wealth. This may be worsening, in the aftermath of the great recession, the homeownership gap for young adult black Millennials is larger than any other generation in over 100 years. This talk will examine these issues, and present a political economy and policy apparatus that can bring about a racially and economically inclusive America.
*Co-sponsored with the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health

Jonathan Skinner, Dartmouth University

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

"Hospital Productivity and the Misallocation of Healthcare Inputs"

Abstract: There is growing evidence for wide variation in total factor productivity across hospitals, with large differences in risk-adjusted health outcomes as well as expenditures. In this paper, we consider the additional contribution of misallocation in input choices – the underuse of effective inputs and overuse of ineffective ones -- to explain why some hospitals get better outcomes at lower cost. The sample is of 1.7 million patients in the Medicare fee-for-service population with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), or heart attacks, during 2007-17. The problem of confounding health factors is addressed in several ways, including the use of tourists, whose assignment to hospitals resembles random assignment (Doyle, 2011), and ZIP-code fixed effects. Briefly, we find strong evidence for input misallocation across hospitals; greater use of highly effective inputs, such as beta blocker, statin, and ACE/ARB drug treatments, primary care support, and stenting are predictive of highly-productive hospitals, while an excess of multiple physicians, scans, and potentially fraudulent excess home health care billings are predictive of low-productivity hospitals.
Co-Sponsored with the Dept. of Economics 

“How Not to Destroy the World with AI” Prof. Stuart Russell

Ackerman Grand Ballroom, UCLA

*Event has been canceled Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley March 11, 2020 11am – 1pm UCLA Ackerman Grand Ballroom Stuart Russell received his B.A. in physics from Oxford University in 1982 and his Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford in 1986. He then joined the faculty of UC Berkeley, where he is Professor (and formerly Chair) […]

Ellora Derenoncourt, University of California Berkeley

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

"Can you move to opportunity? Evidence from the Great Migration"
Abstract: Abstract: This paper shows that racial composition shocks during the Great Migration (1940-1970) lowered black upward mobility in the northern United States. I identify northern black population increases using a shift-share instrument, interacting pre-1940 black migrants’ location choices with predicted southern county out-migration. The Migration’s effects on children are driven by locational factors, not negative selection of families. Using data I assembled on destinations from 1920- 2015, I show the Migration led to persistent segregation and higher police spending, crime, and incarceration from the 1960s onwards. The changes induced by the Migration explain 27% of the region’s racial
upward mobility gap today.

Co-Sponsored with the Dept. of Economics 

Census 2020: Everyone Counts


The event has been canceled Census 2020: Everyone Counts Sponsored by: UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration, the California Center for Population Research, the Luskin Center for History and Policy, and the California Policy Lab   Kenneth Prewitt, Carnegie Professor of Public Affairs, Special Advisor to the President, Columbia University & former Director, […]

Workshop: Remote Research Tools, All You Ever Wanted to Know

We will have a remote workshop to demo useful tools to help researchers work remotely. We plan to demo VPNs, remote server options, zoom, github, jupyter notebooks, etc. Please RSVP in the survey. We will send out the zoom link to those who signed up. If you have a specific tool you want to learn […]

PAA Practice, UCLA

PAA Practice Presentation
Please join us to hear our residents interesting research and give feedback for their PAA presentations


Michelle Nakphong Kao: "Contemporary Trends in Marriage Formation and Dissolution in Cambodia"

Jacob Thomas: "From “Illegal” to “Undocumented”—The Impact of a Lexical Shift In a Political Campaign Against Dehumanization"

Heidi West: "Are wives of migrants in rural Bangladesh really “Left Behind”? A nuanced analysis of how spousal migration affects women’s healthcare utilization and mental, social, and general health"

Harold A. Pollack, University of Chicago

Improving Emergency first Response and Follow-up for Individuals Who Experience Behavioral Crisis
Abstract: Men and women who experience serious mental illness and other challenges face increased risk of violent encounters with police officers and other first-responders. This talk describes person-, place-, and event-based strategies to improve emergency response to such incidents. It also discusses promising strategies of prevention and follow-up to reduce the risk of such violent encounters from occurring or re-occurring.
Co-sponsored with the California Policy Lab
Location: Presented remotely via Zoom

Amani Allen, University of California Berkeley

Race, Racism and (Un)healthy Aging: How socially-assigned race gets in to the body
Abstract: This talk will explore the concept of race and interrogate how ontological conceptions of race impact the questions we ask, the nature of our scientific investigations, and the conclusions we draw from scientific evidence. Drawing on recent findings from the African American Women’s Heart & Health Study, the talk will demonstrate the use of mixed methods research and intersectional framing to examine how racism gets into the body to impact racial health disparities, resulting in premature biological aging; and conclude with a discussion of implications for how we approach population health.
*Co-sponsored with the Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice and Health
Location: Presented remotely via Zoom

Kate Baldwin, Yale University

Accountability and Inclusion in Customary Institutions: Evidence from a Village-Level Experiment in Zimbabwe (with Eric Mvukiyehe and Shylock Muyengwa)

*Co-sponsored with the Public Policy and Applied Social Science Seminar (PPASS)
Location: Presented remotely via Zoom