Donald J. Treiman Research Fellowship
The Donald J. Treiman Research Fellowship supports graduate students’ demographic research. The CCPR community is very grateful to Don for his many contributions to the Center, including the donation establishing this fellowship in 2014. Don Treiman is a founding member of CCPR, and he served as Director 2006-08. Don has a career-long history of mentoring graduate students. His record of helping graduate students to learn the tools of our trade and to publish their research is unparalleled.
The Treiman Fellowship is awarded annually to support demographic research. The award is $6,000. An additional $500 will be awarded for travel to a professional meeting if the research results are reported in a paper or poster at an approved professional meeting. The competition is open to substantive and methodological approaches of all types in the field of population studies. Students must be graduate affiliates of CCPR at the time of application. CCPR students at all career stages and all nationalities, regardless of citizenship, are encouraged to apply.
Past Treiman Fellowship Recipients:
2024 Huihuang Zhu, “On the Right Track? Evaluating the Achievement and Inequality Effects of Academic Tracking”
2023 Nanum Jeon, “Heterogeneous effects of eviction on mental health and
socioeconomic outcomes”
2022 Ariadna Jou, “The Effects of the New Deal Relief on Longevity”
2021 Brayan Viegas Seixas, “Investigating the relationship between intergenerational mobility and the reversibility of childhood disadvantage on later life health through social ascension”
2020 Josefina Flores Morales, “The kids are (not) alright: Parent immigration status and child’s health insurance coverage in California pre- and post- the Medi-Cal expansion in 2016”
2019 Fernanda Rojas Ampuero, “Sent Away: Long-Term Effects of Forced Displacements”
2018 Carolina Arteaga, “The Intergenerational Effects of Parental Incarceration”
2017 Sung Park, “Adult Children’s Coresidence and Financial Assistance to Mothers in Black and White Families”
2016 Dylan Connor, “The Machines of Opportunity or the Engines of Inequality? American Cities and Intergenerational Mobility over the Twentieth Century”
2015 John Sullivan, “Temporal and Regional Variation in Age Segregation in American Metropolitan Areas, 1880 –2010: Consequences of Demographic and Family Change”