Certificate in Population Research

We are excited to announce a new CCPR initiative. We will award a Certificate in Population Research to CCPR Student Affiliates who meet all of the requirements.




Paul Ong’s research on the US 2020 Census featured in the UCLA Newsroom

August 19, 2020/by

Till von Wachter and colleagues’ research on California’s unemployment featured in the San Francisco Chronicle

August 7, 2020/by

Judith Seltzer was appointed for a second term to the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

July 31, 2020/by

Farewell and Congratulations to Heeju Sohn!

July 31, 2020/by

Michael Gaddis received an honorable mention for the American Sociological Association Section on Racial & Ethnic Minorities Early Career Award.

June 26, 2020/by

Cecilia Menjivar received the Distinguished Career Award from the American Sociological Association Section on International Migration.

June 26, 2020/by

Michael Lens chats with CCPR alumna, Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy, inequality, & COVID-19.

June 19, 2020/by

Article by Sarah Reber and colleagues published by the Brookings Institution, “Race gaps in COVID-19 deaths are even bigger than they appear” 

June 18, 2020/by

Till von Wachter interviewed by MarketPlace “Work-sharing programs allow companies to keep furloughed workers”

June 17, 2020/by

Patrick Heuveline and Michael Tzen have published an article on medRxiv that proposes three indicators to compare CoViD-19 mortality with overall mortality and across populations.

June 1, 2020/by

Cecilia Menjívar Elected President of the American Sociological Association

June 1, 2020/by

Featured Article: Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, Anne Pebley, Josefina Flores Morales, and Noreen Goldman’s article “Calloused hands, shorter life? Occupation and older-age survival in Mexico” Demographic Research 

May 27, 2020/by

Vickie Mays is honored with UCLA 2020 Senate Service Award

May 22, 2020/by

Vickie Mays UCLA Newsroom Q&A: For Black men, wearing a mask may be a health risk greater than COVID-19

May 22, 2020/by

Till von Wachter and Paola Giuliano’s research cited in New York Times article “Facing Adulthood With an Economic Disaster’s Lasting Scars”

May 19, 2020/by

Josefina Flores Morales receives 2019 Treiman Research Fellowship Award

May 14, 2020/by

According to an analysis spearheaded by Paul Ong, participation in 2020 U.S. Census is falling behind

April 30, 2020/by

A new analysis on initial unemployment claims by the California Policy Lab provides detailed insights into which workers, regions, and industries in California have been the most impacted by the #COVID19 crisis: https://bit.ly/UEClaimsCovid19

April 30, 2020/by

Judith Seltzer and Deborah Klein Walker’s commentary in the National Academy of Science: “Counting Children in the U.S. 2020 Census: Assure Our Future is Represented.” 

April 27, 2020/by

Ron Brookmeyer LA Times Op-Ed: Predictions about where the coronavirus pandemic is going vary widely. Can models be trusted?

April 24, 2020/by