Innovative Data Generated by CCPR Affiliates


LIFE-M ( was designed by Martha Bailey and colleagues. The LIFE-M project combines millions of U.S. vital records (birth, marriage, death certificates) with census information into a longitudinal and intergenerational micro-database. With the help of cutting-edge, machine learning techniques, the LIFE-M data follow four generations of Americans from birth to death. High quality training data is used to achieve large-scale performance at high rates of precision. Birth cohorts begin in late 1800s and include their great grandchildren born between 1915 and 1975. There is almost no work on these data, so ideal to use for a dissertation. The data can be downloaded from OPEN ICPSR here.

Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey (L.A.FANS)

L.A.FANS ( was designed by Anne Pebley, Narayan Sastry (Michigan), and other CCPR affiliates to study both neighborhoods and individuals over time. The study is based on probability samples of 65 census tracts in Los Angeles County in 1999 and of the residents in these tracts. The innovative design allows researchers to study both residential mobility into and out of sampled tracts and the life course trajectories of individual respondents who resided in sampled tracts in 2000 regardless of whether they remain in the original tract or not. Data collection was completed for the first wave in 2000-2001 and for the second wave in 2006-2008. Data for both waves are available through ICPSR.

Union Army Veterans Data

Dora Costa has played a key role over the last two decades in the construction and dissemination of these data. The project has created public use samples of the life histories, from 1850 until death, of more than 49,000 white and 21,000 black Union Army soldiers, with sub-populations of special substantive interest such as POWs and large city dwellers, who can be linked to detailed GIS maps and ward-level information for several large cities.  These data permit researchers to examine how aging processes have changed for different generations and how the stresses of a harsh disease environment and of wartime experiences shape health over the life cycle (   Under the NIA P01 Early Indicators, Intergenerational Processes, and Aging (AG10120, PI: Costa), the sons and daughters of Union Army soldiers are being followed up to investigate the inter-generational transmission of socioeconomic status and longevity.

Latin American Mortality Database (LAMBdA)

The Latin American Mortality Database (LAMBdA) project is led by Alberto Palloni in collaboration with CCPR affliate, Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, and Guido Pinto-Aguirre. It was originally created to support the empirical study of the history of mortality trends in Latin American countries after independence. It now supports the study of very recent mortality trends and is particularly suited for the study of old age mortality during the post-WWII period. The database covers the interval between 1848 and 2014 and contains data on population censuses, age-specific total death counts, mortality rates, and life tables. Unlike other data on mortality, cause of death, and population counts, these data have undergone careful data quality evaluation and correction where necessary.  Thus, unlike vital registration data, they are of very high quality.

The Latin American Mortality Database is provided free of charge to all individuals who register to the site. The project has been supported by research project grants from the National Institute on Aging and a Fogarty International Center award for Global Research Training in Population Health.

China Multigenerational Panel Dataset – Liaoning (CMGPD-LN) and Shuangcheng (CMGPD-SC)

These two data sets are multi-generational demographic databases, constructed by Cameron Campbell (HKUST), James Lee (Michigan), and colleagues, from historical Chinese household registers and genealogies. These databases support studies of interactions between social stratification, demographic behavior, and family organization within and across generations. The CMGPD-LN describes 260,000 individuals across 7 generations from 1749 to 1909. The CMGPD-SC follows more than 100,000 individuals and their families for only 4 generations, but provides records of landholding at several points in time. The CMGPD-LN and the CMGPD-SC are available via Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) (

Mexican Family Life Survey (MxFLS)

The MxFLS is the first nationally representative longitudinal survey with of the Mexican population. It is designed and implemented by CCPR external affiliates Graciela Teruel (UIA-Mexico) and Luis Rubalcava (CIDE-Mexico) and former CCPR affiliates Duncan Thomas (Duke) and Elizabeth Frankenberg (Duke). MxFLS-1 was conducted in 2002, MxFLS-2 in 2005-2006 and MxFLS-3 in 2009-2011. A fourth wave is planned. MxFLS is particularly important because it tracks and interviews sample members regardless of where they move after baseline. It also collects a wealth of information on social, economic, health, and demographic issues. Thus, it is an excellent data set for study of Mexican migrants within Mexico and to the United States. The MxFLS-1 sample included 8,440 households and approximately 35,000 individuals in 150 communities throughout Mexico. More information is available at:

Mekong Island Population Laboratory (MIPopLab)

The Mekong Island Population Laboratory (MIPopLab) conducted 13 rounds of data collection between 2000 and 2006, at which point MIPopLab was integrated into the Mekong Integrated Population-Registration Areas of Cambodia (MIPRAoC). MIPopLab combined a demographic surveillance system in one rural area of Cambodia with a population of roughly 10,000 inhabitants and a “rider survey” designed to assess the role of the late-1970s mortality crisis in subsequent fertility changes. At the time of registration (first household visit), complete marriage and birth histories were recorded for all eligible women, i.e., women between the ages of 15 and 74. MIPopLab was thus set up to provide both retrospective data on reproductive behavior and prospective follow-up data on population dynamics.

Men’s Migrations and Women’s Lives 

Men’s Migrations and Women’s Lives is a longitudinal mixed-method project conducted in rural Mozambique and funded by the NIH (grants R21HD048257; R01HD058365; R01AG075526) and other sources. The initial objective of the project has been to examine implications of men’s labor out-migration for their non-migrating marital partners’ health, relationships with children, and general well-being. The project started in 2006, and to date, five waves of data collection, including both a standardized survey and in-depth interviews, have been completed. MMWL data collection has been carried out in collaboration with Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique). The project is currently co-directed by Victor Agadjanian (UCLA) and Sarah R. Hayford (Ohio State University) and includes two additional waves of data collection, to be implemented in 2023 and 2026 in collaboration with the Center for Research on Population and Health, a Mozambican nonprofit. The description of the project design, the survey and in-depth interview instruments, and the list of MMWL-based publications are available on here. Please contact Victor Agadjanian ( for additional information about the project and for access to the data.


CCPR Affiliate Contributions to Other Data Projects

Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
Judy Seltzer: PI of the Family Roster Module

National Longitudinal Study of the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Kathleen McGarry: Technical Advisory Board
Jennie Brand: Technical Advisory Board

General Social Survey
Jennie Brand: Board of Overseers