Martha Bailey
Professor of Economics
Office: 4284B Public Affairs Building
E-mail: marthabailey@g.ucla.edu
The California Center for Population Research (CCPR) is UCLA’s campus-wide community for interdisciplinary population research. Our weekly seminars and workshops boast the engagement of hundreds of UCLA faculty, postdoctoral, and Ph.D. student affiliates from a diversity of disciplines, including biostatistics, community health, economics, education, epidemiology, geography, law, medicine, political science, psychiatry, psychology, public policy, social welfare, sociology, statistics, and urban planning, as well as faculty and postdoctoral affiliates at other universities in the U.S. and abroad. Our research features frontier methodologies and novel qualitative and quantitative data to generate pathbreaking insights into the forces that shape population dynamics today. Research topics span demography of the family, migration and immigration, fertility and reproductive health, and inequality and health disparities.
Support from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (P2CHD041022) as well as from UCLA allows the CCPR to fund research working groups, faculty research seed grants, and course releases for junior faculty and provide a central space to our affiliates to enable faculty and student interaction. (Space can be requested for an entire term or booked on an as needed basis.) Expert grant writing assistance guides the preparation of grant proposals and post-award grant management. Along with statistical consulting, the center hosts large-scale computing servers for affiliates and a secure data enclave for hosting restricted data. Interested students may apply to be part of our NICHD (T32HD007545) program, which includes tuition and student funding for some Ph.D. students, to train the next generation of population scientists.
Please explore our website to find out more about what we do. We’d love you to join us! (Become an affiliate here).
Martha Bailey