Call for Papers: 2020 Quetelet Seminar postponed to October 27-29, 2021: Invisibilities and Uncertainties in Population Sciences

Deadline for submissions: May 8, 2021 Conference Date: October 27-29, 2021 Register at easychair. The 2021 Quetelet Seminar proposes to examine not only these invisible populations and the uncertainty of events, but also the shortcomings…

CCPR Faculty Affiliate Courtney Thomas Tobin and CCPR Alumna Yana Kucheva have each received a RSF-Gates Foundation Pipeline Grant Awarded to Emerging Scholars

RSF-Gates Foundation Pipeline Grants Awarded to Emerging Scholars The Russell Sage Foundation, in partnership with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is pleased to announce twenty-one…