Call for Abstracts: Workshop on (New-ish) Methods and Data for Exploring Group Inequalities

Workshop on (New-ish) Methods and Data for Exploring Group Inequalities New statistical techniques and secondary data for analyzing group inequalities constantly develop, posing opportunities as well as challenges for quantitative researchers. …

Call for Papers- Panel Study of Income Dynamics Annual User Conference 2017

Panel Study of Income Dynamics Annual User Conference 2017 Conference Theme: PSID’s 50th Anniversary  Deadline for submissions: 6 February 2017 Conference dates: 14–15 September 2017 Purpose The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID),…

Nordic Demographic Symposium 2017

Call for abstracts: Demography and Social Inequalities 20th Nordic Demographic Symposium in June 14­-16, 2017 Abstract submission for the 20th Nordic Demographic Symposium in June 14­-16, 2017 is now open. The symposium, held in Turku…

2017 Call for the Population Section Awards

2017 Call for the Population Section Awards ALL NOMINEES MUST BE REGISTERED MEMBERS OF THE ASA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SECTION AWARDS Otis Dudley Duncan Award (Book Award) The Otis Dudley Duncan Award will be presented to the author(s) of…


CALL FOR PAPERS -- NBER COHORT STUDIES MEETING The annual NBER Cohort Studies meeting will be held April 14-15, 2017 at the California Center for Population Research (UCLA) and at UCLA, in Los Angeles.    The workshop will bring together…

Call for Abstracts: International Network of Analytical Sociologists

INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF ANALYTICAL SOCIOLOGISTS The 10th INAS Conference – June 8 and 9, 2017 in Oslo, Norway ”Segregation in Schools and Neighborhoods: Consequences and Dynamics” Keynote speaker: Jon Elster, Columbia University: "The…

EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Workshop- Novosibirsk, July 2017

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Following up on the invitation from Prof. Lamin at the Institute of History, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SBRAS), we wish to propose that the next EAPS Health, Morbidity, and Mortality workshop be held in Novosibirsk…

2017 Applied Demography Conference: Call for Papers

Applied Demography Conference San Antonio, Texas - January 11-13, 2017 The 2017 ADC organizing committee invites you to make plans to attend and participate in the next Applied Demography Conference. You are encouraged to present your…

Call for Proposals! — NSHAP Data Users Conference

NORC at the University of Chicago will host a Data Users Conference October 27-28, 2016 for new users of the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP), and invites paper proposals by August 5. Selected proposals will receive an…

Call for manuscripts — Ethnic Minorities in America, The National Council on Family Relations

The National Council on Family Relations Editors of the Journal of Family and Economic Issues are seeking submissions for a special issue themed "Ethnic Minorities in America," which will focus on issues such as child care, housing,…