CDL Data Management Planning Tool

Hello all, Recently UCoP or the California Digital Library announced an online data management planning tool. "The University of California and several other major research institutions have partnered to develop the DMPTool, a flexible online…

Update on the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study (MRRS)

Update on the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study (MRRS) The MRRS is a panel study designed to better understand how the recession has affected the well-being of workers and families.   Data collection for Wave 2 was completed in August…

Mexican Migration Project 134 Database Now Available to Public!

MMP134 – October 2011 The Mexican Migration Project is pleased to make available to the public its new database: MMP134.  The MMP134 database has 134 communities, which includes the original 128 communities (MMP128) plus 6 new additional…

Population-Environment Research Network Cyberseminar

Population-Environment Research Network Cyberseminar: Preparing for Population Displacement and Resettlement Associated with Climate Change and Large Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Projects (1-14 November 2011) To…

Social Science Data Archive has joined the Data Preservation Alliance for Social Sciences (DataPASS)

We are thrilled to announce that the Social Science Data Archive has joined the Data Preservation Alliance for Social Sciences (DataPASS). Here's some background: The Data Archive has successfully ensured the accessibility and usability of…

U.S. Census Bureau Recruitment at the ASA 2011 Annual Meeting

The U.S. Census Bureau has full-time opportunities for qualified U.S. citizens in the areas of demography, sociology, economics, and related social sciences. We are looking for candidates at all levels of education (BA, MA, PhD). Training in…

New CCPR Terminal Server (TS1) + Stata 11MP

(Original Posting: The CCPR Terminal Server has been upgraded to an HP DL360G7 utilizing the 6-core Xeon E5645 processor with 16GB of memory available to users. This increase in amount of cores and memory…

October Newsletter

California Center for Population Research Newsletter: 29 October 2010 body, td {font-family:verdana;} .white {color:#FFFFFF} h1 {font-size: 25px;} h2 {font-size: 11px;} p {font-size: 10px;} .style4 { font-size: 9px; …

Demopaedia: The Wiki-Based Multilingual Demographic Dictionary

The Multilingual  Demographic Dictionary is now available online in 14 language modules at Demopaedia has  completed the first phase of its project to develop wiki-based versions of the demographic dictionaries, whose original…

Data Security and YOU! Materials.

UPDATE: Presentation materials are now available for download HERE - seperate downloads for .pptx presentation and applications zip file. This technology workshop will address the risks that are ever present to your data from hardware failure,…