Who Is Having the Second Baby? Educational Assortative Mating and Transition to the Second Child in China
Iris Zhao, Acton Jiashi Feng (equal authorship)
Abstract: China continues to experience low fertility despite the lifting of the one-child policy. Most explanations focus on limited resources and ignore the role of educational assortative mating and couple dynamics. We use five waves of Chinese Family Panel Study (CFPS) data to address the link between educational pairing and second childbirths. We hypothesize that (1) hypergamous couples are more likely to have a second child than hypogamous and homogamous couples, (2) among homogamous couples, a U-shape for the likelihood of second childbirth exists along levels of education: highly educated and lower educated couples have higher likelihoods of transitioning to the second child than couples with medium education level.
Assimilating or Diverging? Generational Differences in Time Use of Asian American and Hispanic Immigrant Youth
Kristin Liao, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
Abstract: Sociologists studying international migration have rarely examined how immigrants allocate their time to daily activities. Yet, immigrants’ time use can be seen as a measure of assimilation. Using data from the 2003-2019 American Time Use Survey, this study explores how foreign-born, second-generation, and third-plus-generation Asian American and Hispanic youth differ in the patterns of daily time use relative to their third-plus generation White peers. I find patterns of generational convergence and ethnoracial divergence. Foreign-born and second-generation immigrant youth invest substantially more time in education than third-plus-generation White youth, while no significant differences were found among third-plus-generation immigrant youth. Asian American youth show steep changes across immigrant generations in their time use pattern which increasingly resembles that of third-plus generation Whites, whereas time use among Hispanic youth neither varies much across immigrant generations nor increasingly resembles the pattern of native Whites.