Workshop: Bayesian Concepts for Data Analysis

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

"Workshop: Bayesian Concepts for Data Analysis"

Instructor: Michael Tzen

This 1 hour workshop will provide a sampling of introductory concepts for bayesian analysis. We will use Bayes Rule (and its implications) to think about data analysis. When used as a framework to model phenomenon, the analyst gets to work with 4 useful distributions: the prior, posterior, prior predictive, & posterior predictive. We will predict what clothing size 2Chainz wears. We'll also look at the Gompertz Rule from demography. In both examples, the bayesian framework allows us to clearly express the estimand, information from data, information from prior knowledge, and the estimator.

This workshop is the first of a two part series. The first workshop is conceptual while the second workshop will focus on software. The date for the second workshop is TBD.

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