4240 Public Affairs Bldg

LAFANS Survey Presenter: Anne Pebley (UCLA)  

Data Analysis

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Data Analysis Presenter: Jennie Brand (UCLA)

Preparing for the Job Market

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Preparing for the Job Market Presenters: Leah Platt Boustan, Chandra Ford, and Partrick Heuveline (UCLA)

Racial Discrimination

DCPCR Conference Room, A2-125 CHS

Racial Discrimination Presenter: Gilbert C.Gee (UCLA)

Multilevel Modeling Workshop

SSC Computer Lab 2035H

Multilevel Modeling Workshop Presenter: Andrew Hicks (UCLA)

Data Roundtable Meeting

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Data Roundtable Meeting Presenters: Suzanne Bianchi, Narayan Sastry, David Rigby, Jennie Brand (UCLA)

CCPR von Gremp MiniConference: Health and Early Life

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

CCPR von Gremp MiniConference: Health and Early Life Presenters: Janet Currie (Princeton), Seth Sanders (Duke), Joseph Ferrie (Northwestern), Adriana Lleras-Muney (UCLA)

Dissertation Proposal Workshop

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Dissertation Proposal Workshop Panel: Jenjira Yahirun, Dwight Davis, Malia Jones, and Bethay Rainisch

Introduction to Stata

Bunche Hall A258

Introduction to Stata Presenter: Andrew Hicks (UCLA)