Community Health Sciences Demography Courses
205. Immigrant Health. (4)
Lecture, two hours; discussion, one hour. Limited to graduate students. Overview of key topics in public health for documented and undocumented immigrants and refugees in U.S. Demographics, health status, behavioral risk factors, and social determinants, health and human rights, and access to healthcare and prevention services. Analysis of public policy across topics. Builds skills necessary to develop integrated approach to health of immigrant populations. Letter grading.
M208. Introduction to Demographic Methods. (4)
(Same as Biostatistics M208, Economics M208, and Sociology M213A.) Lecture, four hours. Preparation: one introductory statistics course. Introduction to methods of demographic analysis. Topics include demographic rates, standardization, decomposition of differences, life tables, survival analysis, cohort analysis, birth interval analysis, models of population growth, stable populations, population projection, and demographic data sources. Letter grading.
212. Advanced Social Research Methods in Health. (4)
Lecture, four hours; laboratory, two hours; outside assignments, eight hours. Requisites: courses 211A, 211B, Biostatistics 100B, 406. Problems of health survey design and data collection; measurement issues in data analysis and interpretation; use of computer for analysis of large-scale survey data using various statistical techniques. Letter grading.
213. Research in Community and Patient Health Education. (4)
Lecture, three hours; discussion, two hours. Requisite: course 210. Application of conceptual, theoretical, and evaluation skills to community-based health education risk-reduction programs. Computer applications, data management, and research methodologies taught through microcomputer and mainframe computer management and analysis of program databases. Letter grading.
M218. Questionnaire Design and Administration. (4)
(Same as Epidemiology M218.) Lecture, four hours. Requisites: courses 211A and 211B, or Epidemiology 200B and 200C. Design, testing, field use, and administration of data collection instruments, with particular emphasis on questionnaires. Letter grading.
219. Theory-Based Data Analysis. (4)
Seminar, three hours. Enforced requisites: Biostatistics 100A, 100B, 406. Translation of theory into data analytic plan, its application to real data, and interpretation of results obtained through multivariate analysis. Analysis of quantitative data using range of multivariate techniques, such as linear multiple regression and logistic regression. Analysis of theoretical problem using student quantitative data or public use data. Letter grading.
M222. Understanding Fertility: Theories and Methods. (4)
(Same as Sociology M206.) Lecture, three hours. Preparation: one formal or social demography course. Requisite: Biostatistics 100A. Application of demographic theories and methods to describe fertility trends and differentials and social and proximate determinants of fertility, with emphasis on understanding key proximate determinants. For advanced students interested in population, demography of health, and social demography. Letter grading.
235. Influence of Social and Physical Environment on Racial Health Disparities. (4)
Seminar, three hours. Preparation: at least one biostatistics or epidemiology course. Limited to graduate students. Examination of how community stressors and neighborhood resources may contribute to health disparities. Discussion of multiple factors that contribute to environmental injustice and their potential solutions. Do health disparities arise because minorities and low-income populations live in harmful environments? Is relationship between environment and health disparities merely one of potential exposure to chemical/physical hazards, or are there psychosocial mechanisms at community level that act above or beyond effects of physical environment? Letter grading.
247. Population Change and Public Policy. (4)
Lecture, four hours. Examination of international population change, population-related policies, and public health implications of demographic processes. Letter grading.
M263. Social Demography of Los Angeles. (4)
(Same as Sociology M263.) Lecture, three hours. Designed for graduate students. Use of city of Los Angeles to examine major social and demographic factors that characterize cities in U.S. Examination of role of these factors in affecting health outcomes. Letter grading.
296. Advanced Research Topics in Community Health Sciences. (2 to 4)
Discussion, two to four hours. Advanced study and analysis of current topics in community health sciences. Discussion of current research and literature in research specialty of faculty member teaching course. May be repeated for credit. S/U or letter grading.
431. Foundations of Reproductive Health. (4)
Lecture, three hours. Limited to graduate students. Understanding reproductive technologies and practices is critical for public health students interested in designing programs to address problems such as unwanted pregnancy, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, and inadequate preventive services. Examination of foundations of reproductive health from medical perspective, with particular attention to implications for public health programs, health services, and policy. Topics include anatomy and physiology of male and female reproductive health tracts, methods of birth control, medical and surgical abortion, infertility, maternal care, and sexual violence and trauma. S/U or letter grading.