Workshop: Bayesian Concepts for Data Analysis

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

"Workshop: Bayesian Concepts for Data Analysis"

Instructor: Michael Tzen

This 1 hour workshop will provide a sampling of introductory concepts for bayesian analysis. We will use Bayes Rule (and its implications) to think about data analysis. When used as a framework to model phenomenon, the analyst gets to work with 4 useful distributions: the prior, posterior, prior predictive, & posterior predictive. We will predict what clothing size 2Chainz wears. We'll also look at the Gompertz Rule from demography. In both examples, the bayesian framework allows us to clearly express the estimand, information from data, information from prior knowledge, and the estimator.

This workshop is the first of a two part series. The first workshop is conceptual while the second workshop will focus on software. The date for the second workshop is TBD.

Please RSVP Here:

CCPR 2018 PAA Practice Session

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Please join us to hear our residents interesting research and give feedback for their upcoming PAA presentations.

• Elior Cohen, "The impact of skilled immigration on innovation in the Age of Mass Migration"
• Sara Johnsen, “Continuity and Change in Contraceptive Female Sterilization in the United States, 1982 – 2015”
• Wookun Kim, “Does Pro-Natalist Cash Transfer Work? Evidence from Local Programs in South Korea”
• Ravaris Moore, “The Effects of Exposure to Community Gun-Violence on the High School Dropout Rates of California Public School Students”

Bruce Western, Harvard University and Columbia University

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

"Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison"

Abstract: This talk will address my new book, Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison. The book  tells the stories of the men and women I met through the Boston Reentry Study, a series of interviews my research team and I conducted with people leaving prison for neighborhoods around Boston. We were trying to understand what happens when people return to a community, and the challenges faced by them and their families. How did they look for work and housing? How did they manage their addictions or mental illness, and why did some return to incarceration? In trying to answer these questions, I hoped to bear witness to the lives held captive in America’s experiment with mass incarceration. The research showed that imprisonment is followed by deep poverty, in which unemployment is widespread and survival is assisted only by government programs and family support. While earlier studies have focused on the stigma of a criminal record, the men and women of Boston also struggled greatly with human frailty -- mental illness, addiction, and physical disability -- that threatened success after incarceration and impaired the effectiveness of programs. They had experienced serious violence, often as perpetrators, but just as frequently as victims and witnesses, and often since early childhood. Under these conditions, freedom after prison was not a status granted by release, but something attained gradually. Becoming free was a process of social integration where one had to find one’s place with kin and community.
*Co-sponsored with the California Policy Lab 

Susan Cassels, UC Santa Barbara

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

"Self-selection or enabling environments: What predicts the association between short-term mobility and sexual behavior?"

Abstract: Short-term mobility is often associated with increased risk behavior. For example, mobile individuals often have higher rates of sexual risk behavior compared to non-mobile individuals, but the reasons why are not clear. Using monthly retrospective panel data from Ghana, we test whether short-term mobility is associated with differences in total and unprotected sex acts, and whether the association is due to enabling, selection, or influential reasons. In other words, do mobile individuals express higher levels of risk due to an environment that enables that risk? Alternatively, mobile individuals may be selected on some trait that predicts less aversion to risk. Men who were mobile in a given month had more sex acts compared to non-mobile men. Regardless of short-term mobility in a given month, both men and women who were mobile in future months had more sex acts compared to individuals not mobile in future months. Our findings support the hypothesis that both men and women who are mobile are positively selected on sexual risk behavior. The enabling hypothesis, that the act of being mobile enables sexual risk behavior, was only supported for men.

Sarah Baird, George Washington University

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

"When the Money Runs Out: Do Cash Transfers Have Sustained Effects on Human Capital Accumulation?"

Abstract: The five-year evaluation of a cash transfer program targeted to young women points to both the promise and limitations of cash transfers for persistent welfare gains. Conditional cash transfers produced sustained improvements in education and fertility for initially out-of-school females, but caused no gains in other outcomes. Significant declines in HIV prevalence, pregnancy and early marriage observed during the program among recipients of unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) evaporated quickly after the cessation of support. However, children born to UCT beneficiaries during the program had significantly higher height-for-age z-scores at follow-up pointing to the potential importance of cash during critical periods.

Ethnic/Racial Characteristics and Inequality of Opportunity in Mexico

Haines 279

More Information: Household surveys in Mexico include only limited information on race and ethnicity. The identification of racial and ethnic characteristics beyond membership to indigenous populations has been historically a difficult topic, in part because it defies the “mestizo” ideology, that is, the image of Mexico as a racially integrated society through the mix […]

Meeting the Challenge of Homelessness

UCLA NPI Auditorium CHS C8-183

"Meeting the Challenge of Homelessness"

Ending homelessness and serving the needs of our most vulnerable individuals and families is possible, but it requires sustained effort. Culhane will kick off the week by reviewing the national situation, including progress and continued hurdles. He will also describe unique challenges for cities like LA where many homeless are unsheltered.

Dennis Culhane, University of Pennsylvania

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

"The Promise of Integrated Data Systems for Social Science Research"

Abstract: Integrated Data Systems (IDS) linking administrative, public agency data hold great promise for rapid and low-cost implementation and evaluation of homeless initiatives. Culhane will review the legal, ethical, scientific and economic challenges of interagency data sharing, as well as systematic efforts including policy reform and inter-agency collaboration to overcome these challenges. Finally, he will review important new IDS initiatives in LA County and California.

V. Joseph Hotz, Duke University

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

"The Role of Parental Wealth & Income in Financing Children's College Attendance & Its Consequences"

Abstract: This paper examines the influence of parental wealth and income on their children's college attendance and parents' financial support for it and whether the latter affects the subsequent levels of indebtedness of parents and their children. We use data from the PSID, especially data in the 2013 Rosters and Transfers Module on the incidence and amounts of parents' financial support for their children's college. To instrument for the potential endogeneity of parental housing wealth and income on these decisions, we use changes in parents' local housing and labor market conditions. We find that increases in both parents' housing wealth and income increase the likelihood of their children attending college through the effect of parents' financial support. This parental financing of college leads to parents carrying more debt, but their children having no greater student loan debt after graduation. We also find that parental financing of their child's college education significantly increases the probability that the child actually graduates from college.

Dr. Henry F. Raymond, Rutgers University & UC San Francisco

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

"Sampling Hidden Populations: Respondent Drive Sampling"

Abstract: Dr. Raymond will discuss the background and implementation of Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) studies which is wide use among hidden populations the world over. He will review the theoretical basis of RDS including what biases RDS analysis corrects for. Dr. Raymond will share some examples of RDS analysis using RDS Analyst.

“The Trouble with Pink and Blue, Gender expression, stigma, and health among U.S. children and adolescents”

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

The Trouble with Pink and Blue, Gender expression, stigma, and health among U.S. children and adolescents

Abstract: Dr. Gordon will offer a conceptual model for understanding gender expression and health and illustrate this model with examples from recent research on gender nonconformity, school-based violence and bullying, and selected health outcomes in samples of U.S. high school students and young adults.

2018-2019 CCPR Welcome and Introductions

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

2018-2019 CCPR Welcome and Introductions

Please come join us to learn all about the California Center for Population Research!
Professors Jennie Brand, Patrick Heuveline and Hiram Beltran-Sanchez will be presenting.
This will be the kick-off event for the start of the upcoming 2018-2019 CCPR Seminar Series.

Erin Hartman, University of California Los Angeles

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Covariate Selection for Generalizing Experimental Results

Researchers are often interested in generalizing the average treatment effect (ATE) estimated in a randomized experiment to non-experimental target populations. Researchers can estimate the population ATE without bias if they adjust for a set of variables affecting both selection into the experiment and treatment heterogeneity.Although this separating set has simple mathematical representation, it is often unclear how to select this set in applied contexts. In this paper, we propose a data-driven method to estimate a separating set. Our approach has two advantages. First, our algorithm relies only on the experimental data. As long as researchers can collect a rich set of covariates on experimental samples, the proposed method can inform which variables they should adjust for. Second, we can incorporate researcher-specific data constraints. When researchers know certain variables are unmeasurable in the target population, our method can select a separating set subject to such constraints, if one is feasible. We validate our proposed method using simulations, including naturalistic simulations based on real-world data.

Co-Sponsored with The Center for Social Statistics

Berk Ozler, World Bank

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

FP3.0: Increasing the uptake of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) among adolescent females and young women in Cameroon

In sub-Saharan Africa, 25% of teenagers have started childbearing (ICF, 2015). While young women describe many of these births as planned and intentional, women under the age of 20 also have the greatest percentage of mistimed/unintended pregnancies compared to all other age groups. For example, in Cameroon, more than 30% of the births to this group were unwanted or wanted later (DHS 2011). Low age at first birth has a significant impact on the spacing of births and timing of future pregnancies. It may also reduce accumulation of human capital for both the mother and the child.

Co-sponsored with the UCLA Luskin Senior Fellows Speaker Series 

Dalton Conley, Princeton University

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Social Science in the Age of Genomics

The cost of genetic information has been dropping at a rate faster than that of Moore's law in microcomputing.  As a result, the science of genetic prediction has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, and with it has emerged a novel field: sociogenomics.  Sociogenomics seeks to integrate genetic and environmental information to obtain a more robust, complete picture of the causes of human behavior.  This talk will highlight some recent examples of sociogenomic research, touching upon issues such as adolescent peer effects, racial discrimination, assortative mating, and fertility patterns.  The talk will conclude by discussing the social and policy implications of genetic prediction.   

Co-sponsored with the Public Policy and Applied Social Science Seminar Series 

Introducing the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brasil)

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Fabíola Bof de Andrade, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Instituto de Pesquisas René Rachou, Brazil & James Macinko, UCLA This seminar will provide an introduction to the newest study in the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) family, the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging. The speakers will describe the overall study design and the main topics covered, highlight […]

Chad Hazlett, UCLA

4240 Public Affairs Bldg

Making Sense of Sensitivity: Extending Omitted Variable Bias

We extend the omitted variable bias framework with a suite of tools for sensitivity analysis in regression models that: (i) does not require assumptions about the treatment assignment nor the nature of confounders; (ii) naturally handles multiple confounders, possibly acting non-linearly; (iii) exploits expert knowledge to bound sensitivity parameters; and, (iv) can be easily computed using only standard regression results. In particular, we introduce two novel sensitivity measures suited for routine reporting. The robustness value describes the minimum strength of association unobserved confounding would need to have, both with the treatment and the outcome, to change the research conclusions. The partial R2 of the treatment with the outcome shows how strongly confounders explaining all the residual outcome variation would have to be associated with the treatment to eliminate the estimated effect. Next, we offer graphical tools for elaborating on problematic confounders, examining the sensitivity of point estimates, t-values, as well as “extreme scenarios”. Finally, we describe problems with a common “benchmarking” practice and introduce a novel procedure to instead formally bound the strength of confounders based on comparison to observed covariates. We apply these methods to a running example that estimates the effect of exposure to violence on attitudes toward peace.

Adrian Raftery, University of Washington

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Bayesian Population Projections with Migration Uncertainty

The United Nations recently issued official probabilistic population projections for all countries for the first time, using a Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework developed by our group at the University of Washington. These take account of uncertainty about future fertility and mortality, but not international migration. We propose a Bayesian hierarchical autoregressive model for obtaining joint probabilistic projections of migration rates for all countries, broken down by age and sex. Joint trajectories for all countries are constrained to satisfy the requirement of zero global net migration. We evaluate our model using out-of-sample validation and compare point projections to the projected migration rates from a persistence model similar to the UN's current method for projecting migration, and also to a state of the art gravity model. We also resolve an apparently paradoxical discrepancy between growth trends in the proportion of the world population migrating and the average absolute migration rate across countries. This is joint work with Jonathan Azose and Hana Ševčíková.

Co-sponsored with the Center for Social Statistics 

Michael Clemens, Center for Global Development

CCPR Seminar Room 4240 Public Affairs Building, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Immigration Restrictions as Active Labor Market Policy: Evidence from the Mexican Bracero Exclusion

An important class of active labor market policy has received little impact evaluation: immigration barriers intended to raise wages and employment by shrinking labor supply. Theories of endogenous technical advance raise the possibility of limited or even perverse impact. We study a natural policy experiment: the exclusion of almost half a million Mexican bracero farm workers from the United States to improve farm labor market conditions. With novel labor market data we measure state-level exposure to exclusion and model the absent changes in technology or crop mix. We fail to reject zero labor market impact, inconsistent with this model.

Co-sponsored with the Public Policy and Applied Social Sciences Seminar